首先干凈,中科京工地坪漆品牌,除了價格低之外,應(yīng)用于石家莊保定工廠(家)車間、地下停車場、車庫地坪施工不會像水泥地面起塵土,壽命長,正常使用10年時間是不會涉及地坪翻新改造問題,所以純凈車間廠房若想通過GMP認證必需做環(huán)氧地坪。目前環(huán)氧地坪漆可以做無溶劑的,水性的更環(huán)保,價格也更適中! 比起瓷磚、大理石他最大的上風是韌性更好,不會斷裂、而且可以做出大面積無縫地坪,整體效果更好。
Shijiazhuang Baoding Hebei epoxy floor paint construction practice is the reaction of the epoxy resin and curing agent after the natural high density material, popular understanding is the ground to make a plastic film, so the effect will be greatly different:
First clean, in addition to the low price, the application in Baoding Shijiazhuang factory (home) workshop, underground parking, garage floor construction will not like cement ground dust, long life, normal use of 10 years is not involved in the renovation of the floor, so the pure workshop to pass GMP certification must be done. Currently epoxy floor paint can be done without solvent, more environmentally friendly water, the price is more moderate! Compared to the ceramic tile, marble, his biggest advantage is better toughness, will not break, and can make a large area of seamless floor, the overall effect is better.
The second floor paint construction more acid alkali resistant, high crosslinking density, hardness is larger than ordinary plastic, more wear.
Finally epoxy floor paint can also develop a lot of functions such as anti-static, refractory, not angry, heavy duty as Shijiazhuang Baoding plant (home) workshop, underground parking, garage floor construction of the Fuji.