
發(fā)布者:lingliang  發(fā)布時間:2023-12-14 11:16:29

Cost-optimized and value-packed design

The Matrox Solios eCL/XCL frame grabber strikes a perfect balance betweenfunctionality and cost. Its versatile Camera Link® acquisition capabilities andhigh-performance PCI Express® (PCIe?) or PCI-X® bus interface make the MatroxSolios eCL/XCL a good match for mainstream cameras. An optional customizable FPGA-based processing core3 is available to accelerate or offload imageprocessing tasks. The Matrox Solios eCL/XCL is the right choice for cost sensitiveapplications.

Versatile Camera Link® interface

Matrox Solios eCL/XCL is available in two versions, a configurable dualBase/single-Medium Camera Link® frame grabber (eCL/XCL) or a fixed singleFull Camera Link® frame grabber (eCL-F/XCL-F). The former can simultaneouslycapture from two completely independent Camera Link® cameras using theBase configuration or from a single Camera Link® camera using the Mediumconfiguration1. The latter can capture from a single Camera Link® camerausing the Full configuration1 up to 10-taps. Matrox Solios eCL/XCL(-F) can tohandle the most popular industrial or scientific frame and line scan camerasincluding complete image reconstruction from multi-tap cameras. It can alsotransparently convert between monochrome and packed/planar RGB color spacesenabling the optimum representation of image data for processing and/or display.

Choice of high-performance host bus interfaces

Four lane (x4) PCIe? and PCI-X® are the interfaces used to connect to the hostPC on the Matrox Solios eCL(-F) and Matrox Solios XCL(-F) boards respectively.PCIe? is the follow-on to conventional PCI and PCI-X®. Version 1.x of PCIe? operates at 2.5 GHz to deliver a peak bandwidth of 1GB/sec over a x4 implementation. PCI-X® is a high-performance backwards-compatible enhancement to conventional PCI. Version 1.0a of PCI-X® specifies a 64-bit physical connection runningat speeds of up to 133 MHz resulting in a peak bandwidth of up to 1 GB per second.

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