
ABB ACS310-03E-09A7-4
發(fā)布者:weixuan666  發(fā)布時間:2024-05-14 11:52:17

499A925BRP2 Check and strainer valve 499A925BRP2
8160270 Connector 8160270
10643524 CONTROL UNIT   Brake pipe 10643524
338B115P18 Hose 338B115P18
8206698 Elbow 8206698
8470090 RING    Comp  - Chrome faced - Stainless steel 8470090
8492049 Governor Assy 8492049
427648 NUT   Slotted - 1-1/8-8 hex  427648
8252488 GEAR AND YOKE ASSEMBLY   Draft 8252488
179817 Bolt 179817
8479674 COUPLING   Flexible - 3/4 inch 8479674
40004866 CLUTCH ASM 40004866
8167472 O-Ring 8167472
9570980 GASKET    Radiator core and header (Ex  8177379) 9570980
51 03905 0190 Gasket 51 03905 0190
10615258 ADAPT-A-LITE    dicator 10615258
10609912 Gauge - Air Flow Meter 10609912
8071692 Tester - Midget Megger - 0-100 megohms 8071692
8333323 GAUGE    Oil level - Dipstick - Increased oil pan 8333323
40076288 Rectifier (Ex  9559470) 40076288
8330334 FLANGE   1-1/4W 8330334
8268130 SHIM     Adjustment -   015 thick 8268130
8261282 GASKET   Stubshaft cover 8261282
8365272 CLAMP   Dust Seal Guard 8365272
1979451 NUT ASSEMBLY    Field terminal stud 1979451
9548624 Moule SE14 9548624
8307494 Planetary Gear 8307494
8104292 GASKET   to filter assembly 8104292
3039087 CORE    Lube oil cooler - Mechanical bond (Ex  3146250) 3039087
499A924CEP1 Pressure reducing valve 499A924CEP1
8429192 SWITCH   Knife-D P -S T  8429192
40083900 CONTROL UNIT   Brake pipe - (UTEX For 10643524) 40083900
8206700 Elbow 8206700
1X2468 Gasket 1X2468
5 1534 167/03 5 1534 167/03
9532792 Governor Assy 9532792
8099554 TRUNNION ASSEMBLY    Adjuster 8099554
8486347 DRAW HOOK   Gear and yoke - Includes two bushings 8486347
8455470 Elbow 90 8455470
8167473 CLAPPER 8167473
51 06500 6658 Coolant Pump 51 06500 6658
10636776 LOCK ASSEMBLY   Door - Right hand 10636776
9575845 HOSE ASSEMBLY   Diaphragm 9575845
8218499 Meter 8218499
8285976 GAUGE    Oil level - Dipstick - Standard Oil Pan 8285976
8363197 Rectifier Bridge 8363197
8132699 TEE   1-1/4W-W-PT 8132699
8262461 RING    Comp  - Ferrox filled - Cast iron 8262461
8289171 GASKET   Inlet pipe to aftercooler and engine outlet 8289171
3129239 CORE     Radiator cooling 3129239
8061581 SHIM   Bearing to bracket -  015 thick 8061581
1914647 WASHER    Plain - Terminal stud 1914647
40055579 Module PS12 (Ex  9512816) 40055579
8337615 Shaft Turbo 8337615
8389114 FRAME ASM     Cover and support (Ex  8208501) 8389114
8028487 TRIP ASSEMBLY    Overspeed - Includes mounting bolts 8028487
499A925CDP5 Cock 499A925CDP5
8280178 SWITCH    Knife 8280178
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