娲涢櫧(y谩ng)姊撳摬绠℃潗鏈変竴鏀妧琛�(sh霉)閮ㄩ杸锛屽彲灏�(du矛)閶艰ク鍥涙盁绠¢亾 閶艰クPE绠¢亾 瑗绠¢亾 閶艰クPO绠¢亾 瑗啝绠¢亾绛夊寲宸ョ灏剧う绠′互鍙婄煶娌归銆侀钘ラ鐢ㄧ鐨勫湒绱�锛岃崏鍦�锛屾ǎ鍦�锛岃嚜鐣湒閫�(j矛n)琛岃В鏋�锛屽垎鏋愬嚭闇€瑕佺殑绠℃潗绠′欢瑕�(gu墨)鏍煎昂瀵哥瓑銆傛垜鍏徃鏈夎憲璞愬帤鐨勫埗浣滅稉(j墨ng)椹�(y脿n)浠ュ強涓€灏�(du矛)涓€鐨勬湇鍕�(w霉)锛屾垜鍊戜篃鍙娲惧伐绋嬮€�(j矛n)鍏ョ従(xi脿n)鍫�(ch菐ng)閫�(j矛n)琛屽湒绱欑躬鐣拰娓�(c猫)閲�銆�
Luoyang Zizhe pipe has a technical department, which can analyze the drawings, sketches, samples and self drawn drawings of chemical pipes such as steel lined Teflon pipes, steel lined PE pipes, plastic lined pipes, steel lined Po pipes and rubber lined pipes, tailings pipes and pipes for petroleum and food and medicine, and analyze the required pipe specifications and dimensions. Our company has rich production experience and one-to-one service. We can also appoint projects to enter the site for drawing and measurement.?
瑗绠″嵆閶煎寰�(f霉)鍚堢锛屾槸浠ユ櫘閫氱⒊绱犻嫾绠′綔鐐哄熀楂�锛屽収(n猫i)瑗寲瀛�(xu茅)绌�(w臎n)瀹氭€у劒(y艒u)鑹殑鐔卞鎬у鏂欑锛堝父鐢≒E銆丳O銆丳VC銆丳TFE锛�锛岀稉(j墨ng)鍐锋媺寰�(f霉)鍚堟垨婊惧鎴愬瀷锛屽競鍫�(ch菐ng)涓婇噰鐢ㄧ殑鏄痪濉戞垚鍨�銆�?閶艰ク濉戠閬撴痪濉戞垚鍨嬪張绋辨棆濉戝嵆鏃嬭綁(zhu菐n)鎴愬瀷銆佹棆杞�(zhu菐n)妯″銆佹棆杞�(zhu菐n)閼勫銆佸洖杞�(zhu菐n)鎴愬瀷绛�銆傛槸鍏堝皣濉戞枡鍘熸枡鍔犲叆妯″叿涓�锛岀劧鍚庢ā鍏锋部鍏╁瀭鐩磋桓涓嶆柗鏃嬭綁(zhu菐n)骞朵娇涔嬪姞鐔�锛屼娇妯″収(n猫i)鐨勫鏂欏師鏂欏湪閲嶅姏鍜岀啽鑳界殑浣滅敤涓�锛岄€愭几鍧囧嫽鍦版秱甯冦€佺啍铻嶇矘闄勪簬妯¤厰鐨勬暣鍊�(g猫)琛ㄩ潰涓�锛屾垚鍨嬬偤鎵€闇€瑕佺殑褰㈢媭锛屽啀缍�(j墨ng)鍐峰嵒瀹氬瀷銆佽劔妯�锛� 鐛插緱鍒跺搧銆傚緸鑰屼娇寰楀畠鏃㈡湁閶肩鐨勬(j墨)姊版€ц兘锛屽張鏈夊鏂欑鐨勮€愯厫铦�锛岀珐绲�(ji茅)鍨紝涓嶆槗鐢熼暦(zh菐ng)寰敓鐗╃殑鐗归粸(di菐n)锛屾槸杓搁€侀吀銆佸牽銆侀菇銆佹湁鑵愯潟鎬ф埃楂旂瓑浠嬭唱(zh矛)鐨勭悊鎯崇閬�
Plastic lined pipe, i.e. steel plastic composite pipe, is a thermoplastic pipe (commonly PE, Po, PVC and PTFE) with ordinary carbon steel pipe as the matrix and excellent chemical stability. It is cold drawn, compounded or roll molded, and roll molded is adopted in the market.? Rotational molding of steel lined plastic pipe is also called rotational molding, that is, rotational molding, rotational casting, rotational molding, etc. Firstly, the plastic raw materials are added into the mold, and then the mold rotates continuously along the two vertical axes and heats it, so that the plastic raw materials in the mold are gradually and evenly coated, melted and adhered to the whole surface of the mold cavity under the action of gravity and heat energy, formed into the required shape, cooled, shaped and demoulded, and finally obtained the product. Therefore, it not only has the mechanical properties of steel pipe, but also has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, scale inhibition and difficult growth of microorganisms of plastic pipe. It is an ideal pipeline for transporting acid, alkali, salt, corrosive gas and other media