本廠生產(chǎn)的變壓器用壓力釋放閥完全執(zhí)行行業(yè)標準 JB7065-2004。 Me Factory production of transbers with pressure release valve to fully implement the industry standard JB7065-2004。 該壓力釋放閥適用于變壓器、電力電容器、有載開關、壓力容器罐等,用來保護油箱和容器罐。 The pressure release valve for transbers, power capacitors, load switches, pressure vessel tanks and so on, used to protect the fuel tanks and tank containers. 一, 如何選用壓力釋放閥?how to Selected pressure release valve ? a 、噴油口徑的選用 Selection of Spray oil -caliber : 油箱內(nèi)油量(Oil mass of oil box): < 1.5T 1.5T ~ 4.5T 4.5T ~ 11.5T 11.5T ~ 23T 閥有效口徑(Effective -caliber of valve): ∮25 ∮50 ∮80 ∮130 如果油量超過 23T 可按下式選擇:If the oil can be pressed more than 23T Selection ∮130 口徑壓力釋放閥的數(shù)量 = 總油量重量 T / 23T ∮130 caliber pressure release valve number = total weight of oil T / 23T b 、壓力釋放閥開啟壓力的選擇 Pressure release valve opening pressure of the choice: 開啟壓力等級的選擇決定于關閉壓力的大小,關閉壓力 PG 按下式計算: The choice of opening pressure level determined by the size of the pressure off, close the pressure of PG determined by the bula: PG = PH + PK + PQ 其中 Thereinto : PH = 壓力釋放閥承受靜壓值 Pressure release valve to withstand static pressure values ( V×H ) KPa V 是指變壓器油柱壓 Refers to the transber oil column pressure 8.9 KPa / m H 是指油面至閥座底面的距離 Refers to the maximum of oil to the distance from the bottom seat(m) PK 是附加的安全裕度壓力,一般取 Is an additional margin of safety, the general public to take 5 ~ 7 KPa PQ 是附加的強油、風冷裕度壓力,一般取 There is an additional strong oil, air-cooled margin, the general public to take 5 ~ 7 KPa 求得關閉壓力 PG 后 , 通過下表(基本技術參數(shù))可知道開啟壓力值 PG obtained after the closure of the pressure, by the following table (basic technical beters) can be aware of the
YSF 代表壓力釋放閥, 5 代表設計序號, 55 代表開啟壓力, 130 代表有效口徑,