72-101029-01 CAB-ASYNC-8 NIM-16A NIM-24A 3m鍏埅榄氶€f帴绶歍EL:13910098771
72-101029-01 CAB-ASYNC-8 HWIC-8A HWIC-16A 3m鍏埅榄氶€f帴绶�
SM-32A SM-X-64A 鎬濈浼佹キ(y猫)璺敱鍣ㄧ恫(w菐ng)绲�(lu貌)妯″鍗�
72-101029-01 CAB-HD8-ASYNC= CAB-Async 闆荤簻 3m 鐢ㄤ簬 HWIC-16AHWIC-8A NIM-16A/24A涓插彛妯″ 鍏埅榄氶€f帴绶�
CAB-INF-26G-15 15绫矯AB-INF-28G-10 IB CX4-CX4绶氱簻8470-8470绶氱簻 SFF-8470 灏� SFF-8470 SFF-8470灏岰X4 CX4-8470 1绫� 3绫� 7绫� 15绫崇瓑闀峰害浜ゆ彌姗熼€f帴绶欼B DAC钀厗楂橀€熼妳绾� INFINIBAND绶� SAS 浜ゆ彌姗熼€f帴绶氬強鍚勫搧鐗屽悇绋窔鏉愭壒鐧�(f膩)鑸囧畾鍋�
CAB-INF-26G-15for 10GBASE-CX4 Module 閫f帴绶氭壒鐧�(f膩)
Product Debion
cab-inf-26g-15= Cisco 49.20ft 10GBASE-CX4 Ethernet Cable. This cable features sff-8470 connectors on each and
can be used to connect to Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series.
Form factor
Temperature Range
-20 to 85
Cisco Equal
Cisco XENPAK-10GB-CX4 transceiver
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series
cisco CAB-INF-26G-15 for 10GBASE-CX4 Module 閫f帴绶�
CAB-INF-26G-15 Cisco Cable 10G Base-CX4 Module XENPAK Cable 26 AWG
CAB-INF-28G-15 Cisco Cable 10G Base-CX4 Module XENPAK Cable 28 AWG
CX4-1 | CAB-INF-28G-1 |
40K9181 | 3C17776 | CX4-1M | 444477-B22 |
CX4-2 |
32R1937 |
CX4-2M | 444477-B23 |
CX4-3 |
DEM-CBCX300 | 32R1941/40K9182 | 3C17777 |
CX4-5 | CAB-INF-28G-5 |
CX4-5M |
CX4-8 |
444477-B25 |
CX4-10 | CAB-INF-28G-10 |
CX4-10M |
CX4-15 | CAB-INF-28G-15 |
444477-B27 |
CX4 10Gb Cables
10GBase-CX4 or 802.3ak is the fastest Ethernet standard at 10Gb/s and is designed to run over copper cabling similar to that used in InfiniBand technology. It is the lowest cost of all the 10Gb connections and uses less power than fibre optics, although the range is limited to 15 metres. Applications include high perbance computing, enterprise networking and network storage.
Universal&锛�39;s CX4 ultra-high perbance cables are manufactured by Amphenol using Fujitsu connectors and exceed CX4 standards requirements. TEL:13910098771