Blue M DC-206C Convection Oven
Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System
Agilent E1437A VXI Digitizer Module
Nikon Linear Measurescope 20 LS-403 Stage
Nikon Measurescope 20 LS-402 Stage
Spencer Industravac SA607A Air Clean System (Reduced!)
Fisher Scientific Isotemp Plus Freezer 13-986-146RA
Micro Robotics Systems Inc Model 170G (Reduced!)
Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System
Maag Flockmaschinen SPG 1000 Rise Time Tester
Extek 3100 Silver Film Duplicator w/ Manual/Accessor?ies
Gorman Bobbineer Wire Winding Machine
Wandel & Goltermann RME-5 / RMS-5 System (Reduced!)
ETS Lindgren T/T RF Enclosure w/ Anechoic Absorber
Uson Testra 1100 Gauge Decay Tester
Nikon SMZ800 Stereomicroscop?e w/ SDC-240 Digital Camera
Seven Associates B-1A Induction Heating Unit
Dukane Lot of Qty 2 43A240 & Qty 1 Ultra 351 Auto-Trac
Tektronix VM700A opt;s 01 / 30 / 40 (Reduced!)
HP Agilent 5361A CW Microwave Counter, 10Hz to 20 GHz
CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure Unit
Tektronix VX4101A w/opt's 1A/1D (Reduced!)
EMCO 5101 Dual TEM Cell (Reduced!)
HP Agilent E4431B Digital RF Signal Generator (Reduced)
HP / Agilent 81110A (Reduced!)
HP 54825A Infinium Oscilloscope, 500MHz, 2GSa/s
Edwards High Vacuum Pump (Reduced)
Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-62 Press
Forma Scientific 3908 Reach-In Incubator
HP 16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture
Spirent TAS 4500C RF Channel Emulator
LeCroy DDA-120 1.0 GHz, 4 WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Channel 8GS/sec Oscilloscope
Solartron 1254 Frequency Response Analyzer (Reduced!)
Solartron/Schlu?mberger 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer.
Schaffner NSG 431 Electrostatic Discharge System
HP Agilent 83592C Sweeper Plug-In (Reduced!)
Olympus SZ6045 Stereo Imaging Microscope System
Blue M WSP-109B-3 Shock Chamber Oven
GCI DE1AC Air Conensing Chiller
Agilent N4483A
Koolant Koolers KV2000 WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Industrial Chiller
HP 35665A
HP Agilent 8591E Portable Spectrum Analyzer w/ opt 105
HP 4380A 500 MHz S-Parameter Test Set (Reduced!)
Tektronix A6909 Two Channel Isolator
EXFO FTB-300 w/opt's WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 D2/M1/W1/N4 (Reduced!)
HP 16190A Perbance Test Kit, Complete
HP 16454A Magnetic Material Test Fixture, Complete
IRD 350 Vibration Analyzer (Reduced!)
Teledyne Taber V-5 150-B Electric Stiffness Tester
Budzar BTU Multi-Zone Electrically HeatedTemp. Unit
HP 8590D Opt. 003 Spectrum Analyzer 1.8 GHz (Reduced)
Watson PS2-CB-2 Dual Position Payoff
Millipore Waters Quanta WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 4000E (Reduced)
HP Agilent 5183U Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope
Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-54 Press
Ideal 3915-95 Guilotine, New, with Accessories
Tektronix VM700A opt's 01/ 40 (Reduced!)
Keithley 237 High Voltage Source-Measure Unit (Reduced)
Union Special 35800 DR Felling Machine
Agilent E1439A VXI Digitizer WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Mod. (Reduced!)
Standard Environmental Systems Temperature Chamber
Orec Model 03DM-100 Ozone Monitor
HP/Agilent 8566A Spectrum Analyzer System (Reduced!)
LeCroy LC574A Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options
Wiltron 6647A Programmable Sweep Generator w/opts 03/14
Wiltron 6647A Programmable Sweep Generator w/ opt 03
Despatch LBB2-12-1 Forced Convection Oven
Ultratech 602 Wafer & Mask Cleaner
Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain Analyzer w/ opt's
Rheometrics RSA 2 Solids Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer
HP / Agilent 81685A Amplifier WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Test Set (Reduced!)
Vestil 4853 / Scale Hydrolic Scissor Lift
HP 8146A opt 003 (Reduced)
Tektronix GB1400 GigaBert Analyzer w/ Opt's 08 & 09
Tektronix VM700 Video Test Set w/ opt's 01 (Reduced!)
HP 8643A Signal Generator Opt. H02
HP/Agilent 89431A Vector Signal Analyzer
Watson KRPS2-CB-1 Single WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Position Payoff
HP 11729C Carrier Noise Test Set, 10MHz to 18GHz
Instrument Systems RPA2000 (Reduced!)
Delta Design 9059 Environmental Test Chamber, 2-3-1
Wandel & Goltermann RS-100 White Noise Generator
HP 8590D Opt. 001 Spectrum Analyzer 1.8GHz (Reduced)
Beckman L5B-CT Ultracentrifuge with Rotor (Reduced)
Giga-tronics 6082A opt 130 WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Synth Sig Gen (Reduced!)
Molecular Devices Cytosensor Microphysiomete?r
Toddco General Inc CH200 (Reduced!)
Graphtec DMS1000 Data Management System
Micro-Quad 8000 Infrared Analyzer w/ 2 Sensors
Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-?BD3 Chiller
Advanced Energy MDX WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 Magnetron Drive 2172
LeCroy 9350AM Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options
HP 85027C Directional Bridge 10 MHz to 18 GHz
Complete Kit
Spirent Abacus1 Call Simulator System w/opt's (Reduced)
Tensile Testers, Inc JDH Tensile Strength Tester