‧Special designed for chasing spark plug threads from inside the cylinder head and working outward. ‧Use the good threads at the base of port. ‧Reduced dirt and bl debris from being driven into the cylinder head.
缍�(w菐ng)绔欓闋� 涓� 闂�(gu膩n)浜庢垜鍊� 涓� 鑱�(li谩n)绯绘柟寮� 涓� 寤e憡鍚堜綔 涓� 浠樻鏂瑰紡 涓� 浣跨敤骞姪 涓� 鏈冨摗鍔╂墜 涓� 鏈珯瑾犺仒 涓� 浠g悊鍔犵洘 涓� 鏈嶅嫏姊濇 涓� LOGO瑾槑
娴橞2-20080178-1 浜掕伅(li谩n)缍�(w菐ng)钘ュ搧淇℃伅鏈嶅嫏璩囨牸璀夋浉:(娴�)-闈炵稉(j墨ng)鐕熸€�-2012-0002 娴欏叕缍�(w菐ng)瀹夊倷 33010802004772铏� ICP:娴橞2-20080178-5 Copyright 2011 宸ユ帶淇℃伅缍�(w菐ng) All Rights Reserved 鏉窞婵辫垐绉戞妧鑲′唤鏈夐檺鍏徃锛堣偂绁ㄤ唬纰硷細839880) 鐔辩窔锛�0571-87774297 鍌崇湡锛�0571-87774298