聯系人:張經理 13933002678
The third generation car is full electric pallet truck, electric forklift with representative referred to CBD, its degree of automation and forklift. But it is quite, update the power technology to promote energy saving and environmental protection concept, is the use of battery power, energy saving, no electric truck has advantages of exhaust emission, low noise, is the best choice for food the industry, due to the outstanding advantages of energy conservation, is considered to be one of the forklift truck industry the most potential future, but encountered a bottleneck in the development, due to its limited battery capacity, low power, short operation time.
無人搬運車(automated guided vehicle,簡稱AGV),為一工業(yè)應用中不需駕駛員的搬運車,以可充電之蓄電池為其動力來源。一般可通過電腦來控制其行進路線以及行為,或利用電磁軌道(electromagnetic path-following system)來設立其行進路線,電磁軌道黏貼於地板上,無人搬運車則依循電磁軌道所帶來的訊息進行移動與動作。