The phantom contains a thin plane of echogenic material bded in a non-echoic rubber-based tissue-mimicking matrix. Model 538N-H has two scan planes. The scattering plane is oriented at 45° to one scan plane and perpendicular to the other.
The beam profile is easily displayed at varying depths, and contains a great deal of inbation regarding the configuration of the sound beam as it propagates through the tissue-mimicking media. The beam profile bly displays the near field, focal length, focal zone, beam b, side and grating lobes and beam divergence in the far field. In addition, amplitude variations in the near field are displayed as varying degrees of brightness versus the almost homogeneity of the amplitude in the far field.
The Model 538N-H provides a means of buating the slice thickness of an imaging system at varying depths. Slice thickness or elevational resolution, the third component of spatial resolution, displays reflections produced by structures in front of or behind the beam’s main axis. The effect of changes in the slice thickness is identical to those seen with axial and lateral resolution. The thinner the slice thickness the better the resolution; as the slice thickness increases, the degree of spatial resolution decreases. Lifetime warranty.