
上架日期:2018-11-29 09:59:52





    如此勁爆的價格→→→《 1756-L72S 1756-L72S》 ←←←點擊查看   
                        旺年旺及時通訊Q Q:2 4 7 9 2 6 1 3 4 4    



    FOXBORO I/A  Part#/Debion Q"ty 
    1 WP51B P61000436240 SUN Spare Station5 3 
    2 AW51B P62060176240 SUN Spare Station5 2 
    3 CM400YQ 1 
    4 P0400DA FBM01 0-20mA Input 5 
    5 P0400HH REV L 3 
    6 P0400HH REV M 5 
    7 P0400VE 8 
    8 P0400VP CMP10 1 
    9 P0400VT Application Processor 20 1 
    10 P0400YC FBM02 Thermcouple/MV Input 51 
    11 P0400YE FBM04 0-20mA Input/Output 12 
    12 P0400YG FBM06 Pluse Input 1 
    13 P0400YV FBM18 Inbligent Transmitter 26 
    14 P0400ZE FBM04 0-20mA Input/Output 1 
    15 P0500RG REV J 49 
    16 P0500RU 2 
    17 P0500RY REV M 61 
    18 P0700TT REV G 21 
    19 P0700TT REV H 1 
    20 P0700TT REV M 2 
    21 P0800DA REV M 10 
    22 P0800DC REV K 37 
    23 P0800DG REV K 1 
    24 P0800DV REV K 1 
    25 P0902UT FBM39 Inbl Xmitter 0-20mA 72 
    26 P0903CW ANNUM/Nuberic Keyboard 2 
    27 P0903ZE Fieldbus Isolater 39 
    28 P0903ZL Power Supply 94 
    29 P0904BR CRT Converter 3 
    30 P0904BR Keyboard 4 
    31 P0904HW power supply 500W 8 
    32 P0912AR Fiber Optic LAN Converter 1 
    33 P0912KA-OC 1 
    34 P0914WM FBM241C 1 
    35 P0916AM Termination Assembly FBM207 2tier Compression 8 
    36 P0916CP FCM10Ef 2 
    37 P0916JT Terminal Assembly Compression FBM211 Ext Powered 8 
    38 P0916JZ-0A Termination Assembly FBM242 Fused 2tier Compressio 2 
    39 P0916NG Termination Assembly FBM242 2tier Compression 7 
    40 P0951AK 2 
    41 P0951AP FOR FBC21 1 
    42 P0951BA-0E FBP10 Fieldbus Processor 10 5 
    43 P0951BV REV E 8 
    44 P0951BX REV B 2 
    45 P0951CE-A FBC01 4-20mA Analog Input Module (32Point) 1 
    46 P0951CJ-C FBC-07B Contact Sense Input Module (32Point) 3 
    47 P0951CK-A FBC09 Digital Output Module (32Point) 2 
    48 P0951CL-C FBC21 4-20mA Analog Input Module (16Point) 2 
    49 P0951CL-H FBC21 4-20mA Analog Input Module (16Point) 1 
    50 P0951CP IPM27 Chassis PWR Supply 120 VAC 1 
    51 P0951CQ REV G 99 
    52 P0951CQ REV G 78 
    53 P0951CR 72 
    54 P0951CT-A PM20 PWR Monitor Card 1 
    55 P0951DK 2 
    56 P0951EA FBC07 I/O Module Rack 1 
    57 P0960GC WP30 Workstation Processor 1 
    58 P0960JA CP40 Control Processor 9 
    59 P0970BM-B VOLEX 5 
    60 P0970JE-0A 547G4672 CD-ROM 1 
    61 P0970WX REV B 1 
    62 P0971PE-B VOLEX 5 
    63 P0971UN 9.1GB Hard Disk 2 
    64 PM400YD FBM03 2 
    65 P0916CQ FBM206             1 
    66 P0914SY FBM204             2 
    67 P0914YM FCM10E             2 
    68 P0914TR FBM217             2 
    69 P0916TA FBM242             2 
    70 P0914ZM (底板)             1 
    1 Base P0914XA  29 Foxboro 200 Series Horizontal Baseplate 
    2 FBM203 P0914SV  10 RTD Input Module Gently Used  
    3 FBM205 P0914XG  93 FBM205 Redundant 0-20 Combo Module 
    4 FBM207 P0914TD  21 Channel Isolated 16 DIN Voltage Monitor 
    5 FBM211 P0914TN  43 Differential 16 Input 0-20 mA 
    6 FBM217 P0914TR  55 Discrete Inputs, 32 Channels 
    7 FBM217 TA P0916PY  73 Compression Term Assy, FBM217, 120/125V Switch DI 
    8 FBM242 P0916TA  48 Channel Isolated External Source DO 
    9 FBM242 TA P0916JZ  57 Compression Term Assembly, FBM242, Fused Relay Out 
    10 FBM242 TA P0916NG  10 Compression Term Assembly, FBM242, 5A Relay Out  
    11 FCM10EF P0916CP  4 2KM Fieldbus Communication Module 
    14 FBM206  2 Pulse Input Interface Module 
    15 FBM201  6 Analog Input 
    1 CP40B P0961BC   3 CP40B-CPU Control Processor 40 Style B Module 
    2 CP60 P0961FR   1 CP60-CPU Control Processor 60 
    3 FB110E P0972AJ   2 FB110E Field Bus Isolator for 10MB Ethernet 
    4 FBM01 P0400DA   3 FBM01 0-20mA Input 
    5 FBM02 P0400YC   6 FBM02 Thermocouple/mV Input 
    6 FBM03 P0400YD   3 FBM03 RTD Input 
    7 FBM04 P0400YE   1 FBM04 0-20mA Input/Output 
    8 FBM07 CM400YH   1 FBM07 Contact/dc Input 
    9 FBM08  CM400YJ   2 FBM08 120 Vac Input 
    10 FBM10 CM400YL   5 FBM10 120 Vac I/O 
    11 FBM11  CM400YM   1 FBM11 240 Vac Input/Output 
    12 FBM18 P0400YV   8 FBM18, Inbligent Transmitter I/O, P/N - P0400YV 
    13 FBM203 P0914SV   4 P0914SV OB 1801372428 
    14 FBM241C P0914WM   34 FBM241C 8 b Ch Isolated contact sense, 8 output switch  
    15 FBM39 P0902UT   16 FBM39 Inbligent Transmitter Input / 0-20mA Output 
    16 FBM41 P0902XA   2 FBM41 Contact/dc Input/High Current Dc Output 
    17 FBM43 P0950BM   1 FBM43 Dual Baud Inbligent Transmitter Interface 
    18 FBM44  P0950BN   13 FBM44 Dual Baud IT Input/0-20 mA Output Interface 
    19  CM902WL   3 2, 120-240Vac, 100 mS 
    20  P0400VE   3 Fieldbus Isolator 
    21  P0903ZL   2 Industrial Pwr Mod 2, 120-240 Vac, 100 ms (EC96 
    22  P0914XB   3 FBM 2xx Vertical Baseplate 
    23  P0916FK   24 FBM 2xx, TYPE 4 TERM CABLE, 5 METERS, P/N P0916FK 
    24  P0916JW   24 Comp TA FBM241c Contact Sense I/O 2A 60V Fused Out 
    25  P0970BC   1 DNB1 Dual Node Interface Module 
    26  P0971WV   1 DNBT - Communication Module
    27  P0960AW   11  CP30 Control Processor


    Foxboro I/A 都是停廠產(chǎn)品,我們交貨15-20天內(nèi),肯定沒有問題!
    Foxboro I/A P0911AC Communications Processor P0911 AC

    Foxboro I/A P0400YL Input/Output P0400 YL PO400YL

    Foxboro I/A DM400YT-0A 0-10VDC I/O Contact DC FBM17
    Foxboro I/A P0800DG Extension Cable 3 FT P0800 DG NEW

    Foxboro I/A P0400VU Workstation Processor 20 P0400 VU

    Foxboro I/A P0400VP Communications Processor P0400 VP

    Foxboro I/A PM400YL 120 VAC Input/Output PM400 YL

    Foxboro I/A PM700WB Node Bus Extender PM 700WB

    Foxboro I/A PM400YP 120 VAC Expansion Input PM400 YP

    Foxboro 2AK-40 ST B Connector

    Foxboro 2AX+A4 Control Unit

    Foxboro 2AX+ALM-AR ABS ST B Alarm Micro Control

    Foxboro 2AX+DIO ST 7 Module Signal Distribution 2AXDIO

    Foxboro 2AX+DP10 ST C Power Distribution 2AXDP10

    Foxboro 2AO-V3I Voltage Converter 2AO-V31 2AOV3I

    Foxboro I/A P0902DZ Communications Processor P0902 DZ

    Foxboro I/A P0400DL Y-Adapter P0400 DL PO400DL

    Foxboro I/A P0400QA Interface Section P0400 QA PO400QA

    Foxboro I/A P0400QJ PER, 80 MB Disk P0 400QJ PO400QJ

    Foxboro I/A P0400QK PER, Tape Drive W/Cont P0 400QK

    Foxboro I/A P0400QK Streamer Tape P0 400QK PO400QK

    Foxboro I/A P0400VR Control Processor P0400 VR PO400VR

    Foxboro I/A P0400VT Applications Processor 20 P0400 VT

    Foxboro I/A P0400YP Expansion Input P0400 YP PO400YP

    Foxboro I/A P0400YT Contact Input/Output P0400 YT

    Foxboro I/A P0400YV Inbligent Transmitter I/O PO400YV

    Foxboro I/A P0700WB NodeBus Extender P0700 WB PO700WB

    Foxboro I/A P0700WB Node Bus Extender P0700 WB PO700WB

    Foxboro I/A PM400VP Communications Processor PM400 VP

    Foxboro I/A P0800DA 10 FT Fieldbus Block Cable P0800 DA

    Foxboro I/A P0901VK 80MB Drive AP20 P0901 VK PO901VK

    Foxboro I/A P0904AJ Table Top GCIO W/TS P0904 AJ

    Foxboro I/A P0911AC Communications Processor P0911 AC

    Foxboro I/A P0911VW MIW GCIO W/TS WP20/30 P0911 VW

    Foxboro I/A P0911ZZ P-Adapter Drive 3.5/5.25 P0911 ZZ

    Foxboro I/A P0913ED P-Adapter Floppy 3.5/5.25 P0913 ED

    Foxboro I/A P0912HM 19" Monitor Bay Mount P0912 HM 19

    Force Computers

    CPU-40B/16-01    Qty= 50 units

    CPU-5CE/32-85-2    Qty= 200 units

    CPU-5V/64-10-2    Qty= 25 units

    CPU-50T/256-300-4-2    Qty=7 units

    CPU-50GT/256-300-4-2   Qty=2 units

    CPU-8VT/64-170-2   Qty=1 unit

    CPU-30BE/16    Qty= 10 units

    CPU-60D/32/C4    Qty= 10 units

    PowerCore6604E/16-200-L512-4     Qty= 100 units

    PMC860/40-E1-75     Qty =  50 units

     Foxboro I/A P0911AC Communications Processor P0911 AC

    Foxboro I/A P0400YL Input/Output P0400 YL PO400YL

    Foxboro I/A DM400YT-0A 0-10VDC I/O Contact DC FBM17
    Foxboro I/A P0800DG Extension Cable 3 FT P0800 DG NEW

    Foxboro I/A P0400VU Workstation Processor 20 P0400 VU

    Foxboro I/A P0400VP Communications Processor P0400 VP

    Foxboro I/A PM400YL 120 VAC Input/Output PM400 YL

    Foxboro I/A PM700WB Node Bus Extender PM 700WB

    Foxboro I/A PM400YP 120 VAC Expansion Input PM400 YP

    Foxboro 2AK-40 ST B Connector

    Foxboro 2AX+A4 Control Unit

    Foxboro 2AX+ALM-AR ABS ST B Alarm Micro Control

    Foxboro 2AX+DIO ST 7 Module Signal Distribution 2AXDIO

    Foxboro 2AX+DP10 ST C Power Distribution 2AXDP10

    Foxboro 2AO-V3I Voltage Converter 2AO-V31 2AOV3I

    Foxboro I/A P0902DZ Communications Processor P0902 DZ

    Foxboro I/A P0400DL Y-Adapter P0400 DL PO400DL

    Foxboro I/A P0400QA Interface Section P0400 QA PO400QA

    Foxboro I/A P0400QJ PER, 80 MB Disk P0 400QJ PO400QJ

    Foxboro I/A P0400QK PER, Tape Drive W/Cont P0 400QK

    Foxboro I/A P0400QK Streamer Tape P0 400QK PO400QK

    Foxboro I/A P0400VR Control Processor P0400 VR PO400VR

    Foxboro I/A P0400VT Applications Processor 20 P0400 VT

    Foxboro I/A P0400YP Expansion Input P0400 YP PO400YP

    Foxboro I/A P0400YT Contact Input/Output P0400 YT

    Foxboro I/A P0400YV Inbligent Transmitter I/O PO400YV

    Foxboro I/A P0700WB NodeBus Extender P0700 WB PO700WB

    Foxboro I/A P0700WB Node Bus Extender P0700 WB PO700WB

    Foxboro I/A PM400VP Communications Processor PM400 VP

    Foxboro I/A P0800DA 10 FT Fieldbus Block Cable P0800 DA

    Foxboro I/A P0901VK 80MB Drive AP20 P0901 VK PO901VK

    Foxboro I/A P0904AJ Table Top GCIO W/TS P0904 AJ

    Foxboro I/A P0911AC Communications Processor P0911 AC

    Foxboro I/A P0911VW MIW GCIO W/TS WP20/30 P0911 VW

    Foxboro I/A P0911ZZ P-Adapter Drive 3.5/ P0911 ZZ

    Foxboro I/A P0913ED P-Adapter Floppy 3.5/ P0913 ED

    Foxboro I/A P0912HM 19" Monitor Bay Mount P0912 HM 19


    Motorola Computer

    MVME050    Qty=10 units

    MVME105     Qty= 10 units

    MVME133-1     Qty= 5 units

    MVME133XT     Qty= 5 units

    MVME135     Qty= 10 units

    MVME147SA-1    Qty= 10 units

    MVME147SB-1    Qty= 20 units

    MVME147-010    Qty= 5 units

    MVME147-012    Qty= 10 units

    MVME147-013    Qty= 40 units

    MVME147-014    Qty= 5 units

    MVME147-022    Qty= 4 units

    MVME147-024    Qty= 4 units

    MVME148   Qty=5 units

    MVME162-533A    Qty= 20 units

    MVME162-522A    Qty= 20 units

    MVME162-263    Qty= 5 units

    MVME162-223    Qty= 3 units

    MVME162-212    Qty= 5 units

    MVME162PA-244LSE    Qty= 3 units

    MVME162P-242LE    Qty= 3 units

    MVME162PA-344SE    Qty= 2 units

    MVME162P-344SE    Qty= 10 units

    MVME162PA-344E    Qty= 5 units 

    MVME166-014A    Qty= 10 units

    MVME167-004A  Qty=10 units

    MVME167-004B  Qty=10 units

    MVME167-032B  Qty=5 units

    MVME167-033B  Qty=10 units

    MVME167-034B  Qty=10 units

    MVME167-034A  Qty=5 units

    MVME177-004  Qty=40 units

    MVME197LE    Qty= 20 units

    MVME2304-0143    Qty= 1 unit

    MVME2303    Qty=1 unit

    MVME2304-0143  Qty=5 units

    MVME2307    Qty= 15 units

    MVME2434-1  Qty= 15 units

    MVME2700-3351  Qty=5 units

    MVME2604-1341  Qty=8 units  (can be -1351 or -1361)

    MVME2604-3341 Qty=5 units  (can be -3351 or  -3361)

    MVME3604-5352    Qty= 1 unit

    MVME3604-6342    Qty= 1 unit

    MVME3604-5131B    Qty= 2 units

    MVME3604-1131    Qty= 2 units

    MVME376    Qty= 20 units

    MVME374    Qty= 20 units

    MVME332XTS    Qty= 10 units

    MVME333S-2    Qty= 5 units


    SIM232DTE    Qty=10 units

    MPMC202    Qty= 4 units


    MM2000B  RF-2  UPSTREAM CARDS   Qty=13

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