CBY52-L防爆熒光燈路燈(ⅡB) CBY52-L Explosion-proof, Flaurscent Road Lamp (ⅡB) | |||||||||||||||||||
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1. 鑄鋁合金燈體壓鑄成形,鍍鋅鋼管燈桿,表面噴塑; 2. 燈具采用抽芯式結構,便于更換燈管及維修; 3. 專利產品,結構合理,美觀大方; 4. 燈桿及路燈高度由用戶選擇。 |
1. Diecasted Al-alloy lamp body with moulded shape ment, thelamp-post is of Zinc-plated steel pipe with plastic-sprayed surface; 2. The lamp adopting drawn core type structure is convenient for replacing light tube and maintenance; 3. Patent product with reasonable structure is artistic and tasteful; 4. The high of lamppost and road lamp can be matched by userss choice. | ||||||||||||||||||
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